07 fevereiro 2011


Current Mood: Frustrated
Current Music: Mamembe - Chico Buarque
Icon credit: LJ /misst89

Some people believe that the internet is the most important invention ever. Certainly, internet has brought to society many positive points. For instance, it has placed information from all over the world together, in a space accessible to all. But, at first, none of this would be real if man had not invented the writing.

Definitely, the writing is the most important invention ever. Man could not be more intelligent when thought about concede it. Through writing human knowledge has been condensed in books. The essential consequence of it was the “immortality”. Even after the dead of the book's author, its material passes over generations. In these days it’s possible to read a book written more than a century ago.

Not only has the writing turned factual the possibility of recording precious information in format of paper, but also it has joined minds by the propagation of those ideas presented inside the books. For a long period in the past, people who were capable of reading had strongly the power of manipulating the others. They were treated as superiors. Nowadays, this still happens, but not with the same force.

What does the solid basis for writing is the potential that it holds.

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