03 fevereiro 2011


Current Mood: Satisfied
Current Music: What if I stay - Melanie C
Icon credit: LJ /only21grams

A few decades ago who had a television was considered rich by the others. Some people didn’t even imagine how would be possible to send an instantaneous message and receive the answer as well. Children used to play a lot more outside their homes with balls or strings to jump over and cell phones were utensils strictly of adults. Now, in the twentieth one century, these things seem to be trivial.

Much of what have been invented is thought to become people lives easier. Reducing time that information travels, connecting people from different countries in less than a second and providing a full integration of the world. These transformations have grown faster each year.

In this way, technology has helped society. One important example of the benefits originate from its advance is related to the availability of study materials on the internet. Probably the past generation of teachers, professors and also students didn’t have the facilities of finding international books besides the ones that used to be found in the library. At some locations was very difficult to be updated about the newest topics that were in fever in the most important universities. But these days it’s possible to be part of any discussion with just one click.

Furthermore buying things or services could not be more effortless. There are many websites offering everything you need and with good prices. It’s better to buy of websites than physical stores. The same thing has happened with the payment of bills. Waiting in lines was an irritating problem more common in the past.

Comparing and observing the changes that have been happening from the past decades to nowadays, we may notice that technology is so presented in our lives that the abstention of it would turn our lives into a chaos. We should also read technology as a word that expresses the progress of society in all kinds.

Um comentário:

  1. Apenas uma parcela muito restrita da sociedade se beneficia verdadeiramente dos progressos da ciência e da tecnologia. Os melhores carros, as viajens de avião e as cirurgias plásticas, são realidades que um salário mínimo não é capaz de proporcionar.


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